The same stone-knocking thrush, at Bilbo's command, tells Bard of Smaug's weakness, and Bard shoots Smaug with his black arrow, killing him, and saving Lake-town in the process.īard leads an army of men to the Lonely Mountain to inform Bilbo and the Dwarves that Smaug is gone and that he has been made king, and requests a share of the treasure to help rebuild Lake-town. He believes Bilbo to be from Lake-town, and goes there to destroy it in revenge. Bilbo takes off the Ring before he leaves, taking a gold cup with him, and Smaug breathes fire at him. He speaks in riddles to him, and observes that he has a weakness: a tiny unprotected spot on his chest, just below his neck. Bilbo enters to steal treasure from Smaug, and puts the Ring on to avoid being seen. Bard the guardsman and his Men give them food, and they continue toward the end of their journey, at the Lonely Mountain.īilbo finds the secret door while the thrush from earlier knocks on the hard stone, and Thorin unlocks it with the key. The Elvenking orders them locked away because, out of greed for the treasure, they won't tell him why they were in the forest.Īfter a while, Bilbo figures a way out using his Ring, he steals a key from a drunken guard to get them out of their prison cells, and has them hide in empty barrels, with him riding on top of one, along the river, out of Mirkwood and toward Lake-town, where Thorin introduces himself as the grandson of the King under the Mountain. When Bilbo finds the Dwarves, they are captured by Wood-elves. Bilbo stays behind to put his Ring on and then fight the spiders, which are forced to retreat. He finds the Dwarves and cuts them free, killing a spider with a rock, and then they run from the spiders. Wandering through Mirkwood, Bilbo and the Dwarves are captured by spiders, but Bilbo escapes by killing a spider with his sword, and then names his sword Sting. The eagles take them to the edge of Mirkwood, and it is here that Gandalf leaves them, leaving Bilbo in charge and instructing him to write a log. The Lord of the Eagles does so because Gandalf healed him from an arrow-wound a long time ago. They are chased up a tree, and the goblins set the trees on fire, but eagles rescue them. Bilbo follows him and runs past him (he has the chance to kill him here, but doesn't) out of the cave.Īfter rejoining Gandalf and the Dwarves, Bilbo continues his journey with them only to run into Goblins and Wargs. Gollum thinks Bilbo knows the way out and goes to head him off. By the time he returns, Bilbo puts the Ring on and turns invisible. Gollum is unable to answer, and loses, but first decides to show Bilbo his Ring, only to find it missing. After a few riddles, Bilbo asks what he has in his pocket. After finding a golden Ring on the ground, Bilbo is challenged to a riddle contest by Gollum If Bilbo wins, Gollum shows him the way out. They continue through the cave, but Bilbo gets lost during the escape and falls into a hole.īilbo wakes up in another cave, where a dark frog-like humanoid named Gollum lives in an underground lake. The Great Goblin tries to eat Thorin for carrying Orcrist the Goblin Cleaver, but is killed by Gandalf. Bilbo and the Dwarves try to save the ponies but are also captured by the goblins. Once inside, Gandalf disappears again, and the ponies are stolen by goblins. Afterward, they continue their journey, but are caught in another storm and seek shelter in a cave. He holds the map up to the moon, revealing moon-letters on it, that says to stand by a grey stone when a thrush knocks in order to see a secret passage. He says that Gandalf's sword is called Glamdring the Foe-Hammer, and Thorin's sword is called Orcrist the Goblin Cleaver, and that they are Elven blades. They then arrive at Rivendell (Imladris), the city of Elves, where Elrond gives them food. He also gives Thorin a map of the Lonely Mountain (Erebor) and a key to a secret door into the mountain. Gandalf suspects that the trolls might have stolen them. Bilbo finds their cave and Gandalf and Thorin each take a sword. Thorin tells Bilbo to steal some meat from them however, the trolls catch them and try to eat them, until Gandalf returns and the sun rises, turning the three trolls to stone. They set out the next morning, and seek shelter from a storm in a forest, where they see three trolls. After they eat, Thorin explains to his fellow Dwarves and Bilbo that the evil dragon Smaug stole their treasure in the Lonely Mountain, and they need Bilbo to take it back for them. With him are thirteen Dwarves Dwalin, Balin, Fíli, Kíli, Dori, Nori, Ori, Óin, Glóin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and their leader, Thorin. Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit is smoking outside his house when suddenly Gandalf the wizard appears and tells him he wants to hire a burglar.